Apr 5, 2020

“State Legislative Issues Briefing by the Family Action Council of Tennessee” by LaDarius Tatum

Written By: LaDarius Tatum

During the initial opening of the event, FACT President David Fowler explained some basic conservative principles. As he led us through a moment of prayer the next speaker to talk was Todd Payne regional manager of Bott Radio Network Midsouth. Bott Radio is a conservative Christian network tailored to preaching and teaching biblical scripture they are nationwide operating out of many states and communities. In the beginning of the presentation Mr. Fowler gave a brief synopsis of FACT the purpose, and role of creating the organization. FACT focuses on family, home issues such as marriage essentially “A God-Given Marriage” and opposing protections from abortions.

After reading several works from theologian John Owen, discussing Jesus Christ & God’s love about man’s existence and purpose. Mr. Fowler spoke on his organization reasonings to oppose legislation on protecting civil liberties, and laws promoting fundamental equality. He explained his view on The Supreme Court rulings such as, Roe v. Wade and policy such as judicial supremacy. As he spoke about judicial supremacy, it dawned on me how we do interpret the Supreme Court decisions on rulings as definite even though it’s not written in the US Constitution which may not be justly merited. As he stated his view on Abortion, he quoted Abraham Lincoln’s reflection of Dred Scott v. Sanford case “If the policy of the Government upon vital questions affecting the whole people is to be irrevocably fixed by decisions of the Supreme Court…the people will have ceased to be their own rulers, having to that extent practically resigned their Government into the hands of that eminent tribunal.”

David Fowler then discussed Tennessee’s and the Federal government rulings of various legislation on abortion. He used the words of the late Justice Antonin Scalia that state legislators that states should do away on individual voting if every case will ultimately go forth to the supreme court. Towards the end of the assembly meeting, he talked about how citizens should reach out and contact their representatives on supporting bills, accessing detailed information, and how the American people should do more as citizens on continuing forward during these political decisive times.

Throughout my article I’ve discussed the continued efforts by conservatives’ groups and organizations such as Bott Radio & FACT in promoting their political propaganda. My continuation of my blog post will focus on the reasons why conservative organizations pursue policies in state & local governments in pushing these laws. Conservatism in the United States has mainly been associated with two groups; the Republican Party and Conservativist Wing. Each faction his historically supported a greater need of individual rights and liberties, opposition to large government, and freedom to do commerce without regulations. Conservatives believe that these invasions to their “unalienable rights” are clear violators of the US Constitution, which has seen not only social groups but media & radio networks notably Fox News, Our American News (OAN), and the Daily Wire to name a select few developed.

Conservative Politics have battled for years against liberal movements involving bills and laws that support abortions. Conservative principals argue that the concept of life starts within the moment of conception, and to be taken away that choice and right to life breaches our civil law. Anti-abortionist actively take action to undo one of the key legislations that granted women the option to have abortions: Roe v. Wade, groups such as the March for Life annually organize to promote their mission. Many states have also passed bills that limit the time abortions can be performed, and even some states outright ban it entirely. Liberals have challenged many of these states policies by deeming them unconstitutional by restricting a women’s right and access to resources it violates several clauses and amendments in the Constitution, many of these cases have been disputed in state and federal courts.

Another key conservative component is the resistance of same-sex, or unisex laws. In recent years there has been an increase of promotion to homosexual acceptance in the United States. During the Obama Administration many states adopted laws that mandated that banning or not serving same sex couples is illegal. This was very prominent in the case of Obergefell v. Hodges in which the Supreme Court of the United States found that all states are to find marriage and same sex couples be treated to those same protections as they would be for the opposite sex. This was a major blow to conservative principles, which they believe marriage is a sacred obligation and that male and female relationships, sexual identification, and even usage of opposite sex rooms should be held with the highest of distinctions.

Lastly, I will discuss why conservatives oppose big government. Over the years Democratic politicians have introduce regulations that impact local business, corporations, and industries in their finances, workplace laws, labor unions etc. Many in the conservative wing say that the role of government should not intervene, unless there is a mandatory need they argue that people should have moral and rational sense to resolve their issues. Republicans are against big spending on government programs such as Welfare, and assistance programs yet support spending on the military and defense projects. Republicans also are for limited government involvement in job and business growth yet many of them don’t support an increase in the minimum wage, which many states mostly blue have implemented laws that are way above the federal level.

Overall while conservative principles sound ideal. I believe that they do more harm for the society than liberal policies do. There are major hypocritical biases as well such as their support of the death penalty for citizens who commit crimes yet against abortion which they consider sacred and a right to life. Conservatism is always associated with traditionalist and a continued practice of the past yet with a lack of progression and transition into modern times I fear that with a newer generation of Americans being introduce into our society we will see a loss of these values over time.  

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