Nov 21, 2023

  Trump’s Weaponized Communication during the Pandemic

Written By: Star Anderson

The global epidemic in 2020 was disastrous, costing the globe dearly. The United States, in particular, struggled. President Trump was in office during Covid-19. His reaction to assisting his country in dealing with covid-19 was significant. Trump’s use of weaponized communication during Covid-19 hampered Americans’ ability to recover from the global pandemic. This blog post looks at Trump’s weaponized communication and the consequences of his actions on Americans and their lives in 2020.     

                Trump had a different strategy before the outbreak than other politicians before him. His use of Twitter, as well as occasionally unpleasant communication, is regarded as a sort of weaponized communication. He has been witnessed “bending the truth. Jennifer Merceica’s article “Dangerous Demagogues and Weaponized Communication” ( , she outlines a number of strategies suggesting weaponized communication. According to Mercieca,.. “ ..weaponized communication.. Uses words as weapons to achieve strategic goals..examples of dangerous demagogues using weaponized communication strategies including..President Donald Trump.”(264). This direct quote shows that Trump has a history of using his words as weapons for his own advantage.

  Trump minimized the virus to Americans at the onset of the pandemic. The virus was eventually discovered to be extremely dangerous. This is an example of Trump employing weaponized communication to keep Americans calm and on his side. Citizens may have been better prepared if Trump had informed them of what was to come. 

In the middle of the Pandemic, Trump began spreading misinformation to the world. According to Parker and Obrunnipa, “ Trump’s turns behind the lectern and on television often result in the spread of misinformation.. Such as the president’s stated wish to reopen the country by Easter.. That undermines his own top public health advisers’ positions”( actual quote demonstrates that Trump spread information that he did not know was genuine in order to keep the globe on his side.  

Trump’s understanding of weaponized communication is evident in the way he uses social media, especially Twitter. According to Parker and Obrunnipa, “.. Trump has tweeted about the virus 138 times”( direct quote shows that Trump’s use of social media has no limits, including a serious death threatening virus. 

Donald Trump displayed his superior intelligence and comprehension with his weaponized speech. With well-crafted comments, emotive appeals, and social media exploitation, he was able to successfully control the public debate while also attracting his supporters. This communication style, however, has far-reaching consequences that are frequently destructive to democratic standards because it can intensify polarization, develop mistrust of institutions, and weaken the integrity of the truth. Maintaining the integrity of public discourse and navigating future political landscapes necessitates a knowledge of the mechanics and consequences of weaponized communication.


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  1. Caroline Hopkins

    Hi Star!
    Your portrayal of Trump’s communication tactics as weaponized reveals how he strategically used words to his advantage. Initially downplaying the virus seemed a deliberate move to keep the public calm, but it ultimately left citizens ill-prepared for the gravity of the situation. The analysis examines Trump’s adept manipulation of speech and social media to steer public discussions, appealing to his supporters. However, it also highlights the negative impact on democratic norms, fueling polarization and breeding distrust in institutions. The discussion about the repercussions of weaponized communication on democratic values and the importance of maintaining honesty in public discourse is especially noteworthy. Recognizing these dynamics becomes pivotal in navigating future political landscapes and preserving democratic principles. Your post powerfully emphasizes the significance of responsible communication in governance and the wider societal implications of weaponizing communication for political purposes. It serves as a crucial reminder of the essentiality of honesty, transparency, and ethical communication in shaping a resilient democratic society. Great work!

  2. Gabriela Leon-Palfrey

    Hi Star, I enjoyed reading your post. Trump’s initial downplaying of the virus was really interesting to me. On the one hand, he wanted to maintain a level of public calm and support. However, this move certainly raises questions about transparency between officials and their electorates as well as citizens’ right to accurate information. As you state, a more accurate portrayal would have allowed citizens to better prepare themselves. As is the case with weaponized communication, strategic use of language has far-reaching consequences on public understanding and civilian decision-making.

    Additionally, emphasis on Trump’s prolific use of social media (primarily Twitter) adds another layer to the analysis. His tweets about the virus underscore the widespread influence of his communication strategy and show how a leader can leverage social media platforms to bypass media sources and engage directly with the public. This is a dangerous element of weaponized communication as it is unchecked and unlimited. Perhaps you could advocate for better fact-checking from the platforms themselves.

    Overall, this post prompted a lot of reflection for me on the balance between effective and truthful leadership communication strategies as well as the ethical responsibility to uphold democratic values.

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