Nov 24, 2023

Unraveling Russia’s Influence on Brazil’s Democracy: The Nova Resistência 

Written By: Anna Thorner

In the landscape of global information manipulation, the New Resistance emerges as a significant player in the erosion of democracy. The New Resistance is a pro-Kremlin,  quasi-paramilitary, neo-fascist organization operating within South America, Europe, and North America. Financed by the Russian government, it stands at the forefront of the Syncretic Disinformation Network (SDN), a pro-Kremlin disinformation and propaganda network that actively contributes to the erosion of democratic values across the globe. Nova Resistência, the Brazilian chapter of New Resistance, is particularly active and working to extend the malign influence of New Resistance throughout Latin America.

The United States’ State Department recently released a report that expressed concern about the potential growth of nationalism in Brazil and spread of Pro-Kremlin disinformation. It portrayed Nova Resistência as a threat to U.S. interests in the continent. Based on the existing information online, it is highly possible that Nova Resistencia is a threat to Brazilian democracy as well.

Defining Democracy and Democratic Erosion

For context as we unpack the potential democratic erosion, there are two fundamental dimensions of democracy: procedural and substantive. Based on Schumpeter’s definition, procedural democracy simply requires the presence of free and fair elections, which is present in Brazil’s democratic system. Substantive democracy, on the other hand, involves more than just elections. Varying definitions all touch upon holding elected leaders accountable for their actions and fostering public participation, so as to protect the democratic institutions of free and fair elections and the protection of civil liberties (Bermeo 2016). In a healthy liberal democracy, media outlets provide impartial and accurate information to enable citizens to form their own opinions/decisions, which Dahl includes in his definition of a healthy democracy (Dahl 1972). Thus, the threat of disinformation is a serious risk for the stability of democracies.

The Fourth Political Theory and The Syncretic Agenda

Nova Resistência plays a pivotal role in promoting the syncretic agenda of Aleksandr Dugin’s Fourth Political Theory (4PT). According to the State Department’s report, Dugin is “a U.S.-sanctioned Russian ‘philosopher’ and the principal proponent of an anti-Western, Russia-led Eurasian imperialist movement.” His ideology seeks to unite the global far-right and far-left against liberalism. It criticizes liberalism’s progress and promotes its main tenets of social justice, national sovereignty, traditional values (including religion), and the shared basic human experience. What this boils down to is a watered down socialism with a vague enforcement system to fight “chaos.” Through the spread of disinformation and propaganda, Nova Resistência actively works to carry out an information manipulation campaign designed to exploit the openness of Latin America’s media and information environment. This is all in an effort to destabilize the democratic process, advocating for an authoritarian, traditionalist world order. 

This is all a part of the larger SDN, operating as part of Russia’s disinformation and propaganda ecosystem, which utilizes various pillars to amplify its impact. These include official government communications, state-funded global messaging, cultivated proxy sources, weaponized social media, and cyber-enabled disinformation. This multi-faceted approach contributes to the erosion of trust in democratic institutions and fosters an environment conducive to anti-democratic sentiments.

Threats to Democratic Norms

Here, we can draw a connection to Kleinfeld’s definition of affective polarization and its potential implications for democratic erosion. Affective polarization refers to the emotional divide between individuals based on their political affiliations, even if the ideological differences are not as stark as perceived. In the United States, for example, affective polarization is evident as individuals harbor negative emotions towards members of the opposing political party (Kleinfeld 2023). 

We can also connect some of the movement’s main tenets to populist theory. Populist movements often leverage affective polarization to garner support. Affective polarization is not inherently causing democratic backsliding or political violence; rather, it interacts with voting systems, candidate incentives, and personal relationships. In the case of Nova Resistência, the syncretic agenda promoted by the organization aligns with populist tendencies, fostering an environment where divisive ideologies can thrive, potentially contributing to democratic erosion (Kendall-Taylor and Frantz 2016).

Nova Resistência’s operational mechanics extend beyond disinformation campaigns. The organization co-hosts events with Dugin, featuring high-ranking Russian officials and actively supporting authoritarian regimes. This involvement in paramilitary activities and the promotion of a violent, anti-liberal, neo-fascist agenda directly undermine democratic values in Brazil. These implications that violent acts will go unpunished also promotes affective polarization. The erosion of democratic legitimacy can manifest in attempts to delegitimize elections, disregard the rule of law, or dismiss the importance of checks and balances. Nova Resistência’s alignment with anti-pluralist ideologies and exclusionary principles further exacerbates the erosion of democratic values by undermining the idea that democracy thrives on diverse voices and perspectives. By challenging the rules-based international order, Nova Resistência contributes to the erosion of the democratic norms that underpin Brazil’s political landscape.

The group’s website, hosted in Moscow, serves as a hub for disseminating pro-Kremlin disinformation and propaganda, amplifying the impact of its anti-democratic messaging. The interconnected web of Nova Resistência’s activities fosters an environment where democratic principles are subverted in favor of authoritarian ideals, further eroding the foundations of Brazil’s democracy.

Leadership Impact: Raphael Machado

At the helm of Nova Resistência is Raphael Machado, whose leadership aligns with accusations of promoting anti-Semitic, anti-Zionist, and anti-Ukraine narratives, as well as expressing support for Bashar al-Assad. Machado’s actions contribute to the erosion of democratic pluralism, fostering an environment where divisive ideologies undermine the inclusive nature of democratic discourse. In response to external scrutiny, Nova Resistência leaders, including Machado, challenged accusations of malign influence outlined in the State Department report. The group’s response acknowledged these concerns but aimed to dismantle what it considered false claims in the report. The organization positioned itself as a threat to U.S. interests in Latin America, rejecting foreign government funding and calling into question the characterization of the group. This strategic response not only deflects external criticism but also showcases the group’s resilience in the face of challenges to its anti-democratic activities, according to both of the linked sources in this section. 

Safeguarding Democracy in the Face of Covert Influence

As we unravel the actual influence of Nova Resistência in Brazilian political society, it becomes clear that the organization poses a significant threat to Brazil’s democracy by actively promoting anti-democratic ideologies. Understanding the intricate web of Nova Resistência’s activities is crucial for safeguarding Brazil’s democratic institutions. By addressing the challenges posed by entities like Nova Resistência, the nation can work towards fortifying its democratic foundations and resisting the erosion of democratic values.


  8. Dahl 1972
  9. Kendall-Taylor and Frantz 2016
  10. Kleinfeld 2023

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  1. Damara Richmond

    Reading your blog post about Nova Resistência and its impact on democracy, especially on its one-year anniversary, makes me uneasy. You talk about how this group, connected to the Russian government, is messing with information to mess with democracy. It’s like a spy movie but scarier because it’s real. Nova Resistência isn’t just about politics; it’s like they’re trying to mess up the way our society works. Your post says democracy isn’t just about having elections; it’s also about holding leaders accountable and letting people have a say. It seems like Nova Resistência is like a wrecking ball hitting these important parts of democracy. The leader, Raphael Machado, adds a personal touch to the problem. He’s into anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist stuff, which goes against being open and inclusive. His tough response to criticism feels like he’s challenging the idea of open discussions. Thinking about all this, it’s not just something happening far away. It’s like a real threat to the things we usually take for granted. Your blog is like a wake-up call, saying we can’t just watch but that we need to step up and protect the democratic values we care about.
    Great blog post I enjoyed reading it.

  2. Liv Oyen

    Hello Skylla,
    Your blog post dives into the group Nova Resistencia in Brazil and how the Russian financed group is contributing to the erosion of democracy through the spread of misinformation and populist theory.

    I think this blog post had a lot of great information. It covered many cases learned about in class and took from outside sources. This is a very specific example and I find it quite interesting in the rising context of foreign influences on populist propaganda.

    If I were to further look into this case I think it would be interesting to see how Russian groups are infiltrating the media in the United States. I would compare and contrast politicians Donald Trump and Rapheal Machado and their political situations. Both politicians promote discriminatory norms and profit off of populists and polarizing rhetoric. I think it would be interesting to look at the chicken and the egg of the rise of Russian disinformation groups in the west. Is it populist leaders bringing them to these countries or is it the weak democratic institutions drawing them in? This could answer if we are being taken advantage of by our own leaders or if they are just puppets of Russia’s disinformation and propaganda system.

    This blog post is important because it highlights the influence foreign groups have on a country’s democracy. In today’s age of media, we are extremely susceptible to misinformation online. The spread of cheap fakes, keyword squatting, and groups like Q-anon all contribute to the digestion of false information. Moreover, due to selection and confirmation bias, people are fed what they want to hear. The combination of all these elements make western citizens extremely vulnerable and easy to take advantage of. Moreover, if the government is not only not regulating news and social media misinformation, but endorsing it, the rate of groups like Nova Restistencia is bound to rise.

  3. Poon Singhatiraj

    Hi Skylla,

    It’s interesting to hear about an aspect of Brazilian politics that I had never heard of before. I only learned about the existence of the New Resistance through your blog. It’s incredible that the Russian government funds such a movement, and that it is so active in Brazil and throughout Latin American. The New Resistance’ impacts on Brazilian democratic values cannot be overstated. Thus, I am also curious to learn more about if this movement has gained salience among Brazilian citizens, or if it’s still considered a fringe movement that no one is paying much attention to. Regardless, even if it’s the latter, it is important to keep an eye on it so that it does not continue to covertly undermine Brazil’s democracy until its influence bursts out into the open. I wonder if the Brazilian government is doing anything to combat its operations in the country. The previous regime under Bolsanaro definitely was not doing anything, but I wonder if Lula de Silva’s cabinet is.

  4. Evan Smith

    Hi Skylla, I was genuinely surprised by the case of Russian influence in Brazilian politics as Brazil plays a significant role in South America and its paradoxical arrangements with BRICS and the OAS, or the alliance of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa and the Organization of American States respectively. While most of us may have heard of news about Russian influence in the 2016 Presidential elections in the United States and various campaigns to influence elections in Europe as well. The movement, Nova Resistencia is an influential movement that echoes similar a wider right-wing movement in the United States and a possible relationship with the events of January 8th when a handful of Bolsanaro’s supporters marched and rioted in the Brazilian capitol.
    The case of Brazil also highlights a modern case for vigilance in modern democratic systems of governamnce.

  5. Britton Dedmon

    Hi Skylla,

    I had zero knowledge on this subject prior to reading your blog post. I had not even heard about Russia’s influence in Brazil’s politics. This blog post was eye opening. Arguably, one of the most crucial actions towards Democratic Erosion is the influence a state has upon another state. Nova Resistência has been swift with their interjection into Brazil’s politics. The most interesting aspect of this type of erosion to me is the support these groups gain even though their intentions are blatantly obvious. For example, I found it shocking that the website is based out of Moscow. This type of information is widely available to the public and yet, the supporters are too blind and ignorant to care.

    The situation makes me question the influence countries like Russia and China may in other countries. The United States is the largest target of Russia and China and hearing about situations like this one make me concerned in what they could be implementing in the U.S. or allied states. Some accusations have been made regarding the influence of these countries in the U.S. but in my opinion none of those were to the same extent as the Nova Resistência.

    Incredible blog post and thank you for enlightening me on this situation. This is crucial to international relations between states and working towards the prevention of democratic erosion. Do you think that Russia or any other countries may be working on something that is oblivious to us in the United States? Do you feel military action may follow between Brazil and Russia? Lastly, do you ever feel that the support for the Nova Resistência will dwindle or the people will realize the harm that it is causing?

  6. Britton Dedmon

    Hi Skylla,

    I had zero knowledge on this subject prior to reading your blog post. I had not even heard about Russia’s influence in Brazil’s politics. This blog post was eye opening. Arguably, one of the most crucial actions towards Democratic Erosion is the influence a state has upon another state. Nova Resistência has been swift with their interjection into Brazil’s politics. The most interesting aspect of this type of erosion to me is the support these groups gain even though their intentions are blatantly obvious. For example, I found it shocking that the website is based out of Moscow. This type of information is widely available to the public and yet, the supporters are too blind and ignorant to care.

    The situation makes me question the influence countries like Russia and China may have in other countries. The United States is the largest target of Russia and China and hearing about situations like this one make me concerned about what they could be implementing in the U.S. or allied states. Some accusations have been made regarding the influence of these countries in the U.S. but in my opinion none of those were to the same extent as the Nova Resistência.

    Incredible blog post and thank you for enlightening me on this situation. This is crucial to international relations between states and working towards the prevention of democratic erosion. Do you think that Russia or any other countries may be working on something that is oblivious to us in the United States? Do you feel military action may follow between Brazil and Russia? Lastly, do you ever feel that the support for the Nova Resistência will dwindle or the people will realize the harm that it is causing?

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