Instructions for Blog Posts

  1. At the top of the page you will see a “+ new” and then “post.” Click.
  2. In the title line write “Title” by “First and Last Name.”
    1. Example: Criminal Threats to Democracy in Mexico by Jane Doe
  3. Check your university’s name in the “categories” sidebar.
  4. Write a one sentence summary for your blog post that will appear on the blog homepage:
    1. Click on “Screen Options” at the top of the page where you are drafting your post.
    2.  Check the box that says “Excerpt.”
    3. Type your one sentence summary in the “Excerpt” box at the bottom of your post page.
  5. Make sure your main text is written using “Paragraph” formatting; use “Header 4” for headings.
  6. Add any “tags” in the sidebar, separating tags with commas.  If relevant, add the region and country/countries about which you are writing in tags.
  7. When hyperlinking articles to your post, please check the link settings and check the box that says “open link in new tab.”
  8. Set a featured image, either your own or one under Creative Commons Zero license. Cite the image at the end of your post.
    1. Example:  “*Photo by Andrew Worley, “Until We Have Faces” (Unsplash), Creative Commons Zero license.”
  9. Click save draft, preview, and publish as you wish. You can edit the post after you publish it.
  10. Share the URL or text of your blog post with your instructor as you would regularly submit assignments.