by Brandon Young | Oct 14, 2022 | Ohio State University
El Salvador is a country that many Americans have heard of but very few know a lot about. The nation has experienced a long history of turmoil with several military dictatorships and a civil war that claimed the lives of more than 75,000 people. Against this backdrop,...
by Marley Belanger | Nov 19, 2021 | Suffolk University
The United States is facing two catastrophic challenges simultaneously, a pandemic, and a forgotten but long-present epidemic, the US opioid crisis. While talk of opioids and overdoses is not new to many Americans, the death rate and the recent dramatic uptick of this...
by Frank Mastroianni | Nov 25, 2020 | Northeastern University
The United States is in the midst of a sea change in public opinion in how it approaches the issue of drug addiction. Proposed changes are not only increasing in popularity by the year but are also arguably good policy that allow for better outcomes for those who have...
by Allante Boykin | Nov 21, 2017 | University of Memphis
Since the fairly new President Rodrigo Duterte has been elected into office last June, he has been on a binge to cleanse the country of drugs and addiction. Duterte’s war on drugs has claimed the lives of nearly 6,000 individuals or more. The brutality has even...
by Asen Grigorov | Nov 9, 2017 | Boston University
In the last year the Philippines has experienced death toll due to the extreme anti-drug policy conducted by the current President Rodrigo Duterte. The President has established the “war on drugs” policy which has led to the killing of around 13000 people up to date ....