by Dylan Molloy | Dec 4, 2022 | SUNY-Binghamton
“Elon Musk he’s such a f***ing moron” (Conover, 2022) said Adam Conover in relation to Elon Musk on the Trillionaire Pod, a podcast. Elon Musk who recently bought Twitter in an effort to “clean house” of its woke ideological agenda and to “bring free speech back” to...
by Brandon Young | Sep 30, 2022 | Ohio State University
Freedom of Speech is a right that Americans have held dearly since our nation’s founding. Codified in the Bill of Rights, the First Amendment importantly guarantees American citizens a right to free speech and a free press. Often dubbed the fourth estate, the Press...
by Lucas Aguayo-Garber | Mar 15, 2022 | Brown University
Through the first two months of 2022, Canada has been in the midst of one of the most unforeseen political stories to emerge in years, a Vaccine mandate protest which has grown so confrontational in just one month that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has invoked the...
by Nidhi Shah | Mar 8, 2022 | Ohio State University
The Azerbaijanian government has continued to silence its own journalists. It has made conscious efforts recently to forcefully stop protests regarding freedom of speech and the wrongful imprisonments of journalists.The silencing of these civil liberties shows its...
by Lina Klak | Mar 4, 2022 | University of Chicago
Now that Vladimir Putin has launched a full-scale invasion against Ukraine, it is difficult to argue with the reality that Russia should now be considered a fully autocratic regime. Putin has shown that he is okay with disregarding long-standing international norms by...